Tuesday 22 February 2022


Happy TWOsday! Today's date of 22022022 is a Palindrome which can be read right to left and left to right. To be honest, until today - at 66 years of age - I'd never heard of a palindrome, so the saying "You learn something new every day!" is so true. 

I haven't done much since my last blog but I did finally go out today. The weather has been so bad I haven't wanted to venture out. The tide was in, so I decided to go down and photograph the waves and they didn't disappoint. I only took my phone because I couldn't be bothered messing about with my big camera. I must say these phone cameras are getting better all the time. In fact they're becoming so good they may even put the big cameras out of business one day. They're so convenient too. 

Anyway I'm off to watch a film now so goodnight and sweet dreams :D 

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