Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Got to psyche myself up ready to do my injection, ouchy! I HATE doing them. Thank goodness it's only once a fortnight. I just couldn't face them every day. Going to do it later when I feel a bit braver :-(
Hubby's getting excited 'coz it's Bonfire night tomorrow and he loves it! He's busy preparing his display.
It's the one day of the year that I have to do the cooking urgh! Mind you daughter number one Lucia usually does most of it hehe. Sorry Lulu ;-)
We were going out but have to wait in for the boiler man to come and fix the heating. No heating or hot water for 2 days now! You don't half miss it when things go wrong.
My best friend is off to Australia today, to spend 3 months with her children and grandchildren who all emigrated there a few years ago. I'll miss her but I wish her a wonderful time!

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