Woke up to thunder & lightening this morning. Then later on we had a shower of hailstones. What's going on? It's windy and depressing out there so I'm staying in and keeping nice and cosy. Well as cosy as I can with no central heating brrrr. The boiler's broken and won't be fixed 'till the electrician gets the part and some spare time to fix it. At least we have a living flame fire in the lounge!
Had a nice time last night at........Margaret's surprise birthday do! That was the secret from yesterday's post lol. I took a video of her battering the pinyatta. I'd never even heard the word until yesterday! Think she enjoyed herself lol.
Video's here if you want to watch ;-)
Been making tags today and visiting my groups. I love to learn new things and wish I could find some really good tuts on how to make scrap kits. Ah well I'll keep searching the net.
I'm already feeling the urge to change my blog layout but I shall resist! lol
i cant believe you never heard of a pinyata before Mother!!!
I know how could I have lived for 54 years and never hear the word Pinyatta? Weird!
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