Sunday, 5 January 2014

Best times.....Sunday lunch with my family

I love Sunday's when my kids come round for dinner. These are my favourite days........always. Lucia and Aniello made the most delicious chicken roast while I tidied up the attic ready for the Christmas decorations to go back. I always feel a little sad when we take them down, thinking about how far off the next Christmas is......but it's surprising how fast time really goes. Only another 353 days to go ;)

We had a laugh at Lella this afternoon. She asked if we had any spare ornaments for her house so we gave her a little Willow Tree figure carrying a Happy Birthday sign. She was chuffed and totally didn't realise it was one I'd taken from her house 3 years ago as a joke. I took it and placed it on my mantelpiece along with several others I had acquired over the years. I wanted to see how long it would take her to realise it had disappeared but she never did notice it had gone. Her face was a picture when I gave it her and told her the story. Even after all that she left her here! Funny :)

The rain has settled in for the night so we may well be washed away by morning. It really has been a very stormy Winter so far with lots more to come. I'd much rather have the cold and frosty but clear days and nights. Having said that there are parts of America going into -40 temps with lots of snow so I think we'll stick with the wind and rain thankyou.......

I just wanted to post these artworks here to be able to look at whenever I want. They're just gorgeous and painted by local artist Steve Sanderson I shall buy one of his paintings some day :) 

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