Tuesday, 22 February 2022


Happy TWOsday! Today's date of 22022022 is a Palindrome which can be read right to left and left to right. To be honest, until today - at 66 years of age - I'd never heard of a palindrome, so the saying "You learn something new every day!" is so true. 

I haven't done much since my last blog but I did finally go out today. The weather has been so bad I haven't wanted to venture out. The tide was in, so I decided to go down and photograph the waves and they didn't disappoint. I only took my phone because I couldn't be bothered messing about with my big camera. I must say these phone cameras are getting better all the time. In fact they're becoming so good they may even put the big cameras out of business one day. They're so convenient too. 

Anyway I'm off to watch a film now so goodnight and sweet dreams :D 

Saturday, 19 February 2022

19th February already!

 Gosh the days and weeks are speeding by! I can't believe it's just another 9 days to March! Baby girl is 12 weeks old today. What a little treasure she is.      


This week I went down to the beach to watch the starlings. I saw three women open water swimming and it was absolutely baltic! I know it's supposed to be great for your circulation and health but I'm afraid if I was to do that I'd probably die of shock! It was amazing to see the starlings flying over their heads though. 

On Wednesday I had Nino for most of the day so took him to Stanley Park to feed the birds. I dropped a couple of my photos off to the visitor centre. There's going to be an exhibition of Spring photos taken in Stanley Park and if it's successful there'll be more for each season. I'm sure it will be. I tried to get Nino to pose for me when we got home but I only managed to get a couple of not great photos of him. I'm going to have to resort to bribery in the form of chocolate if I want him to pose again! 


Today we went to Ascent and on the way there the snow was really coming down. It's the first time it's snowed like that for years but it didn't last long. I've seen some fabulous photos on Facebook taken today by various popular Blackpool photographers. I'm a bit gutted that I didn't get out there to take any myself, but spending time with my babies is more important. I treasure every moment spent with them ♥

I did get a few photos this afternoon of the bit of snow that was left in my garden. And the sun shone! 



                                                              Until the next time .....                                                                                                                                                                                     

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

New Painting

Well it's been a whole week since my baby girl was PTS. It's gone so quickly, yet so slowly too. I miss her more than anything. The house is so quiet and the smallest thing can set me off crying for her. 

There was a chicken breast left over from last night's tea, and for a second I thought I'd chop it up for Ruby, then I remembered there will be no more left over food going to her. In fact this has happened all week. I miss her greeting us with her tail and bottom wagging from side to side when we come home. I miss her little face looking up at me from the bottom step, waiting for me to come downstairs. I miss lying on the sofa, with her basket next to me and me stroking her beautiful silky ears.

Yesterday, I had an appointment at the Audiology clinic, to have a new hearing aid because Ruby chewed my old one up. I began to explain what had happened and started crying. The girl was so lovely. She told me she had a Jack Russell that was 16 years old, and she'd had him since she was 15. She said she didn't know how she would be able to cope with losing him, but knew it couldn't be too far off given his age. It's lovely to have a dog but to lose one is the most painful thing. 

This morning, I took a full, unopened bag of dry food back to Pets at Home for a refund. If it had been a small bag I wouldn't have bothered, but it cost almost £40 and none of my family wanted it for their dogs so back it went. It was my favourite lady serving and she dealt with the refund with no quibble. She was utterly lovely and understanding when I started crying yet again.

This afternoon, we went to my Brother and Sister in Laws' house for coffee and scones and I was greeted by a very excited little Henry. He's a lovely little dog and his cuddles were just what I needed. Another lot of tears were shed talking about my Rooroo. It's all therapeutic to let it out. I will learn to live without her being here eventually, but at the moment it's so raw. 

Anyway, I've decided I'm going to get back into my painting again and did a little one today. I'm very proud of the Blue tit, which was from one of my own photos. I want to study every day, to learn enough to be able to paint any of my photos. I will get there! 

                                                    Reference photo for the Blue Tit