Hubby and I went to church and it was a beautiful mass. I did have a couple of moments where the memories of my kids being at St Bernadette's.......when we used to go to church every the better of me and I had a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat. It began when Father Peter called the children onto the Altar for the start of a special mass. It reminded me of Father Carey telling all the children to come and sit on the Altar so that the people outside could come in and sit down. This happened every Sunday at the 11am mass. That's how popular the masses were back then. To be fair the church was packed today too, which was lovely to see. We've been going every Sunday so far since the New year began, and I have to say I'm really enjoying renewing my faith.
The second tear was when we sang the Hymn Colours of Day which reminded of my kids singing it. It seems so long ago and yet it seems like yesterday too! I just love this song.
Father Peter asked last week if we could bring some food in for the poor of the parish. I couldn't believe my eyes when we came out of church. There must have been 30/40 bags full of food. My faith in my fellow human's has been restored.
We went into the church hall for refreshments and it was nice to see some of the old parishioners that I used to know well. Aniello bought tickets for the pantomime next week. It's Cinderella and being performed by the St Bernadette's Players. I've never been to one of their productions so am looking forward to it.
After preparing Sunday dinner we took Ruby to Stanley Park for a walk. I took some bird food with me hoping to be able to get some photos of the birds landing on my hand. I knew it would be busy with it being such a nice day so I didn't really expect it to happen. There were plenty of people and families about but I tried anyway and my patience paid off! Here are a few of the photos I managed to take of these beautiful little birds.
Great Tit
Blue Tit

The first snowdrops I've seen this year. Mum's favourite flower.
A nice evening watching Call the Midwife and writing my blog.
Weather today was cold, cloudy/sunny mix. Perfect!