Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Making stuff!

I've been busy the past few days sewing and knitting. My hands feel as if they're about to drop off. In fact last night I had to wear my wrist splint for the first time in ages because I overdid things. I want to do so many things, and it's hard when your mind is as active as ever but your body lets you down! Anyway, here are a few photo's of what I've been making.

First up is a case for my kindle. I love this licorice allsorts material that I found in Blacks in town. I actually made it a bit too big for my kindle but it's fine. I love it anyway :)
I've also been making  baby's comforter's. I think they're cute and I'm becoming slightly obsessed with making them! Just wish I had a baby to give one to :/

I'm going to have a go at making some heart and cube shaped comforters but need more materials now so a trip to Grace and Favour in Thornton is on the cards. They have some absolutely stunning materials and it's a gorgeous shop. Wish it was mine! Can't wait to see what new goodies they have in :)

I've been knitting leaves! A theatre company are putting on a play at the Grand Theatre in October called Inspector Norse. Parts of the set will be knitted and they asked for knitters to knit leaves and Icicles. I've made a few but am going to make more. I'll also be joining some more knitters at the Grand Theatre soon and we'll be knitting parts of the body! Wonder what I'll be making? Can't wait ;)