Thursday, 2 June 2011

Power supply broken :(

I just noticed the screen on my laptop wasn't as bright as usual and knew the power wasn't getting through so just checked the supply and noticed the bit that plugs into the laptop is broken arrrrgh!Just ordered one on Ebay for £6 but it won't come 'till Saturday or maybe even Monday. What am I going to do with no lappy? I'll be pinching Aniello's that's what!
Just did ten minutes weeding the garden and I'm aching all over. So unfit!
Off to play a spot of poker before my laptop dies ;)

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

I've decided to learn HTML and found a great site here
I now know the basics woohoo! I love learning new things.
Taking mum to the vet's with Holly today to find out the results of her biopsy. She found another lump in Holly's neck on the opposite side to the first one so it's not looking good. 
Made a few Facebook banners this morning so that looks like a new fad for me. 
Food time!