Friday, 30 October 2009

Insatiable Dreams tutorial

Just been on Cat's tut site and found this great tut.
Had to do it ;-) I love her tut's!

Tag made from a pic of my daughter's friend's kitten Rusty.

I took a photo of the kitten last night and decided to have a bit of fun with it lol.
Here's Rusty with my daughter Lucia, all dressed up ready for tomorrow's Halloween. Looks cute doesn't she? :-)

........................this is what I did with her.

Haha! I tubed Rusty and used a great effect from PSP called topography.
Love it!

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Just made a new Halloween tag

If anyone want's to snag it, click on the image for full size and right click save to hard drive.

An example of what you can do with a mask :-)

I made another mask using the freehand selection tool and used it on this gorgeous photo of my Great nieces.

Ok! A very basic mask lol.

I made this one in PSP7.
Open new transparent image 400 x 400.
Flood fill black.
Take your selection tool (round, rectangle etc).
Use the following settings;
shape = round, rectangle, ellipse whichever you wish to use
feather = 15
anti alias ticked
Draw shape on your image. Try to leave an equal margin all the way around and centre your image.
If you know how to use the ruler tool use it! (If not go to view, rulers. The rulers will show on your image.
Click on 50mm and holding down left mouse button draw your selection out to 350mm and release).
Flood fill white and de-select.
Layers, merge all (flatten)
Save as j-peg.
You have just made your first mask woopee!
This is what it should look like...ish :-)


Welcome to my new blog :-) I'll be doing a little bit of everything in here.
Think I'm going to try and write a tutorial on how to make masks in PSP. Be back later. Breakfast first ;-)